What do Ghostbusters and D&D have in common? Both were the basis for Star Wars RPGs!
I was taking a trip down memory lane recently, thinking about earlier editions of Star Wars roleplaying games. As much as I love the current edition, I was never more excited about a Star Wars game as I was the very first one from West End Games, released in 1987 (the 10th anniversary of Star Wars itself).
I thought maybe others might be interested in the history of the game too, so I did a little reading, and that's when Wikipedia told me that the 1st Edition of Star Wars was based on WEG's Ghostbusters RPG (another of my favorites). And, thinking back on that system, I can kinda see it. If we're generous with the term "based on."
Of course, there's no denying that the first edition that Wizards of the Coast put out after picking up the license from WEG was definitely based on D&D 3rd Edition. So why am I even bringing this up?
Somebody needs to make Ghostbusters d20, that's why! (Or maybe not; InSpectres looks pretty damn cool.)
Anyway, here's the honor roll of all Star Wars roleplaying game editions to date.
Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game1st Edition
West End Games
Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game2nd Edition
West End Games
Star Wars Roleplaying Game2nd Edition Revised and ExpandedWest End Games1996
Star Wars Roleplaying GameCore Rulebook
Wizards of the Coast
Star Wars Roleplaying GameRevised Core Rulebook
Wizards of the Coast
Star Wars Roleplaying Game
Saga Edition
Wizards of the Coast
UPDATE: Sterling Hershey has reminded me that he has a
history of Star Wars RPGs on his blog, Delusions of Grandeur. It's in two parts, and is excellent reading.